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Captures events on a plot.


  • options (dict[str, Any]): Callback functions. Supported: onClick, onMouseMove, onMouseDown, onDrawStart, onDraw, onDrawEnd.

  • **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be merged with options.

Each callback receives an event object with:

  • type, the event name
  • x, the x coordinate
  • y, the y coordinate
  • for draw events, startTime


  • A PlotSpec object representing the events mark. (PlotSpec)


Create an animated plot that cycles through a list of frames.


  • frames (list): A list of plot specifications or renderable objects to animate.

  • key (str | None): The state key to use for the frame index. If None, uses "frame".

  • slider (bool): Whether to show the slider control. Defaults to True.

  • tail (bool): Whether animation should stop at the end. Defaults to False.

  • **opts (Any): Additional options for the animation, such as fps (frames per second).


  • A Hiccup-style representation of the animated plot. (LayoutItem)


Creates a slider with reactive functionality, allowing for dynamic interaction and animation.


  • key (str): The key for the reactive variable in the state.

  • init (Any): Initial value for the variable.

  • range (Union[int, List[int]]): A list of two values, [from, until] (inclusive), to be traversed by step. Or a single value n which becomes [from, n-1], aligned with python's range(n).

  • rangeFrom (Any): Derive the range from the length of this (ref) argument.

  • fps (int): Frames per second for animation through the range. If > 0, enables animation.

  • step (int): Step size for the range. Defaults to 1.

  • tail (bool): If True, animation stops at the end of the range. Defaults to False.

  • loop (bool): If True, animation loops back to start when reaching the end. Defaults to True.

  • label (str): Label for the slider.

  • showValue (bool): If True, shows the current value immediately after the label.

  • controls (list): List of controls to display, such as ["slider", "play", "fps"]. Defaults to ["slider"] if fps is not set, otherwise ["slider", "play"].

  • **kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments.


  • A Slider component with the specified options.


Creates a render function that adds drag-and-drop and click functionality to child elements of a plot. Must be passed as the 'render' option to a mark, e.g.:, render=Plot.renderChildEvents(

This function enhances the rendering of plot elements by adding interactive behaviors such as dragging, clicking, and tracking position changes. It's designed to work with Observable Plot's rendering pipeline.


  • options (dict): Configuration options for the child events

  • **kwargs: Event handlers passed as keyword arguments:

    • onDragStart (callable): Callback function called when dragging starts

    • onDrag (callable): Callback function called during dragging

    • onDragEnd (callable): Callback function called when dragging ends

    • onClick (callable): Callback function called when a child element is clicked


  • A render function to be used in the Observable Plot rendering pipeline. (JSRef)


Adds callbacks to be invoked when state changes.


  • callbacks (dict): A dictionary mapping state keys to callbacks, which are called with (widget, event) when the corresponding state changes.


  • A Listener object that will be rendered to set up the event handlers.


Useful for layouts and custom views.

Note that syntax sugar exists for Column (|) and Row (&) using operator overloading.

(A & B) | C # A & B on one row, with C below.


Render children in a column.


  • *items (Any): Items to render in the column

  • **kwargs: Additional options including:

    heights: List of flex sizes for each child. Can be:

    - Numbers for flex ratios (e.g. [1, 2] means second item is twice as tall)
    - Strings with fractions (e.g. ["1/2", "1/2"] for equal halves)
    - Strings with explicit sizes (e.g. ["100px", "200px"])

    gap: Gap size between items (default: 1)

    className: Additional CSS classes


Creates a responsive grid layout that automatically arranges child elements in a grid pattern.

The grid adjusts the number of columns based on the available width and minimum width per item. Each item maintains consistent spacing controlled by gap parameters.


  • *children: Child elements to arrange in the grid.

  • **opts: Grid options including:

    • minWidth (int): Minimum width for each grid item in pixels. Default is 165.

    • gap (int): Gap size for both row and column gaps. Default is 1.

    • rowGap (int): Vertical gap between rows. Overrides gap if specified.

    • colGap (int): Horizontal gap between columns. Overrides gap if specified.

    • cols (int): Fixed number of columns. If not set, columns are calculated based on minWidth.

    • minCols (int): Minimum number of columns. Default is 1.

    • maxCols (int): Maximum number of columns.

    • widths (List[Union[int, str]]): Array of column widths. Can be numbers (for fractions) or strings.

    • heights (List[Union[int, str]]): Array of row heights. Can be numbers (for fractions) or strings.

    • height (str): Container height.

    • style (dict): Additional CSS styles to apply to grid container.

    • className (str): Additional CSS classes to apply.


  • A grid layout component that will be rendered in the JavaScript runtime.


Render children in a row.


  • *items (Any): Items to render in the row

  • **kwargs: Additional options including:

    widths: List of flex sizes for each child. Can be:

    - Numbers for flex ratios (e.g. [1, 2] means second item is twice as wide)
    - Strings with fractions (e.g. ["1/2", "1/2"] for equal halves)
    - Strings with explicit sizes (e.g. ["100px", "200px"])

    gap: Gap size between items (default: 1)

    className: Additional CSS classes


Render content based on conditions, like Clojure's cond.

Takes pairs of test/expression arguments, evaluating each test in order. When a test is truthy, returns its corresponding expression. An optional final argument serves as the "else" expression.


  • *args: Alternating test/expression pairs, with optional final else expression


Render content based on matching a value against cases, like a switch statement.

Takes a value to match against, followed by pairs of case/expression arguments. When a case matches the value, returns its corresponding expression. An optional final argument serves as the default expression.


  • value (Union[JSCode, str, Any]): The value to match against cases

  • *args: Alternating case/expression pairs, with optional final default expression


Wraps a Hiccup-style list to be rendered as an interactive widget in the JavaScript runtime.


Render a string as Markdown, in a LayoutItem.

JavaScript Interop


Represents raw JavaScript code to be evaluated as a LayoutItem.

The code will be evaluated in a scope that includes: - $state: Current plot state - html: render HTML using a JavaScript hiccup syntax - d3: D3.js library - genstudio.api: roughly, the api exposed via the genstudio.plot module


  • txt (str): JavaScript code with optional %1, %2, etc. placeholders

  • *params (Any): Values to substitute for %1, %2, etc. placeholders

  • expression (bool): Whether to evaluate as expression or statement


Wraps a value in a Ref, which allows for (1) deduplication of re-used values during serialization, and (2) updating the value of refs in live widgets.


  • value (Any): Initial value for the reference. If this is already a Ref and no id is provided, returns it unchanged.

  • id (str): Unique identifier for the reference. If not provided, a UUID will be generated.

Returns: Ref: A reference object containing the initial value and id.

Plot: Mark utilities

Useful for constructing arguments to pass to Mark functions.


Returns a javascript function which always returns x.

Typically used to specify a constant property for all values passed to a mark, eg., fill=plot.constantly('My Label')). In this example, the fill color will be assigned (from a color scale) and show up in the color legend.


Returns a JavaScript identity function.

This function creates a JavaScript snippet that represents an identity function, which returns its input unchanged.


  • A JavaScript function that returns its first argument unchanged.


Returns a JavaScript function that returns the index of each data point.

In Observable Plot, this function is useful for creating channels based on the position of data points in the dataset, rather than their values.


  • A JavaScript function that takes two arguments (data, index) and returns the index.

Plot: Marks

The following are the original JavaScript docs for the built-in Observable Plot marks.

Usage is slightly different from Python.


Returns a new area mark with the given data and options. The area mark is rarely used directly; it is only needed when the baseline and topline have neither x nor y values in common. Use areaY for a horizontal orientation where the baseline and topline share x values, or areaX for a vertical orientation where the baseline and topline share y values.


Returns a new vertically-oriented area mark for the given data and options, where the baseline and topline share y values, as in a time-series area chart where time goes up↑. For example, to plot Apple’s daily stock price:

Plot.areaX(aapl, {y: "Date", x: "Close"})

If neither x1 nor x2 is specified, an implicit stackX transform is applied and x defaults to the identity function, assuming that data = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …]. Otherwise, if only one of x1 or x2 is specified, the other defaults to x, which defaults to zero.

If an interval is specified, y values are binned accordingly, allowing zeroes for empty bins instead of interpolating across gaps. This is recommended to “regularize” sampled data; for example, if your data represents timestamped observations and you expect one observation per day, use day as the interval.

Variable aesthetic channels are supported: if the fill is defined as a channel, the area will be broken into contiguous overlapping sections when the fill color changes; the fill color will apply to the interval spanning the current data point and the following data point. This behavior also applies to the fillOpacity, stroke, strokeOpacity, strokeWidth, opacity, href, title, and ariaLabel channels. When any of these channels are used, setting an explicit z channel (possibly to null) is strongly recommended.


Returns a new horizontally-oriented area mark for the given data and options, where the baseline and topline share x values, as in a time-series area chart where time goes right→. For example, to plot Apple’s daily stock price:

Plot.areaY(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close"})

If neither y1 nor y2 is specified, an implicit stackY transform is applied and y defaults to the identity function, assuming that data = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …]. Otherwise, if only one of y1 or y2 is specified, the other defaults to y, which defaults to zero.

If an interval is specified, x values are binned accordingly, allowing zeroes for empty bins instead of interpolating across gaps. This is recommended to “regularize” sampled data; for example, if your data represents timestamped observations and you expect one observation per day, use day as the interval.

Variable aesthetic channels are supported: if the fill is defined as a channel, the area will be broken into contiguous overlapping sections when the fill color changes; the fill color will apply to the interval spanning the current data point and the following data point. This behavior also applies to the fillOpacity, stroke, strokeOpacity, strokeWidth, opacity, href, title, and ariaLabel channels. When any of these channels are used, setting an explicit z channel (possibly to null) is strongly recommended.


Returns a new arrow mark for the given data and options, drawing (possibly swoopy) arrows connecting pairs of points. For example, to draw an arrow connecting an observation from 1980 with an observation from 2015 in a scatterplot of population and revenue inequality of U.S. cities:

Plot.arrow(inequality, {x1: "POP_1980", y1: "R90_10_1980", x2: "POP_2015", y2: "R90_10_2015", bend: true})


Returns a new mark whose implementation is chosen dynamically to best represent the dimensions of the given data specified in options, according to a few simple heuristics. The auto mark seeks to provide a useful initial plot as quickly as possible through opinionated defaults, and to accelerate exploratory analysis by letting you refine views with minimal changes to code. For example, for a histogram of penguins binned by weight:, {x: "body_mass_g"})


Returns a new horizontal bar mark for the given data and options; the required x values should be quantitative or temporal, and the optional y values should be ordinal. For example, for a horizontal bar chart of English letter frequency:

Plot.barX(alphabet, {x: "frequency", y: "letter"})

If neither x1 nor x2 nor interval is specified, an implicit stackX transform is applied and x defaults to the identity function, assuming that data = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …]. Otherwise if an interval is specified, then x1 and x2 are derived from x, representing the lower and upper bound of the containing interval, respectively. Otherwise, if only one of x1 or x2 is specified, the other defaults to x, which defaults to zero.

The optional y ordinal channel specifies the vertical position; it is typically bound to the y scale, which must be a band scale. If the y channel is not specified, the bar will span the vertical extent of the plot’s frame. The barX mark is often used in conjunction with the groupY transform. For a stacked histogram of penguins by species, colored by sex:

Plot.barX(penguins, Plot.groupY({x: "count"}, {y: "species", fill: "sex"}))

If y is quantitative, use the rectX mark instead, possibly with a binY transform. If x is ordinal, use the cell mark instead, possibly with a group transform.

If options is undefined, then y defaults to the zero-based index of data [0, 1, 2, …], allowing a quick bar chart from an array of numbers:

Plot.barX([4, 9, 24, 46, 66, 7])


Returns a new vertical bar mark for the given data and options; the required y values should be quantitative or temporal, and the optional x values should be ordinal. For example, for a vertical bar chart of English letter frequency:

Plot.barY(alphabet, {y: "frequency", x: "letter"})

If neither y1 nor y2 nor interval is specified, an implicit stackY transform is applied and y defaults to the identity function, assuming that data = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …]. Otherwise if an interval is specified, then y1 and y2 are derived from y, representing the lower and upper bound of the containing interval, respectively. Otherwise, if only one of y1 or y2 is specified, the other defaults to y, which defaults to zero.

The optional x ordinal channel specifies the horizontal position; it is typically bound to the x scale, which must be a band scale. If the x channel is not specified, the bar will span the horizontal extent of the plot’s frame. The barY mark is often used in conjunction with the groupX transform. For a stacked histogram of penguins by species, colored by sex:

Plot.barY(penguins, Plot.groupX({y: "count"}, {x: "species", fill: "sex"}))

If x is quantitative, use the rectY mark instead, possibly with a binX transform. If y is ordinal, use the cell mark instead, possibly with a group transform.

If options is undefined, then x defaults to the zero-based index of data [0, 1, 2, …], allowing a quick bar chart from an array of numbers:

Plot.barY([4, 9, 24, 46, 66, 7])


Returns a box mark that draws horizontal boxplots where x is quantitative or temporal and y, if present, is ordinal. The box mark is a compound mark consisting of four marks:

  • a rule representing the extreme values (not including outliers),
  • a bar representing the interquartile range (trimmed to the data),
  • a tick representing the median value, and
  • a dot representing outliers, if any.

The given options are passed through to these underlying marks, with the exception of the following options:

  • fill - the fill color of the bar; defaults to gray
  • fillOpacity - the fill opacity of the bar; defaults to 1
  • stroke - the stroke color of the rule, tick, and dot; defaults to currentColor
  • strokeOpacity - the stroke opacity of the rule, tick, and dot; defaults to 1
  • strokeWidth - the stroke width of the tick; defaults to 2


Returns a box mark that draws vertical boxplots where y is quantitative or temporal and x, if present, is ordinal. The box mark is a compound mark consisting of four marks:

  • a rule representing the extreme values (not including outliers),
  • a bar representing the interquartile range (trimmed to the data),
  • a tick representing the median value, and
  • a dot representing outliers, if any.

The given options are passed through to these underlying marks, with the exception of the following options:

  • fill - the fill color of the bar; defaults to gray
  • fillOpacity - the fill opacity of the bar; defaults to 1
  • stroke - the stroke color of the rule, tick, and dot; defaults to currentColor
  • strokeOpacity - the stroke opacity of the rule, tick, and dot; defaults to 1
  • strokeWidth - the stroke width of the tick; defaults to 2


Returns a rectangular cell mark for the given data and options. Along with x and/or y, a fill channel is typically specified to encode value as color. For example, for a heatmap of the IMDb ratings of Simpons episodes by season:

Plot.cell(simpsons, {x: "number_in_season", y: "season", fill: "imdb_rating"})

If neither x nor y are specified, data is assumed to be an array of pairs [[x₀, y₀], [x₁, y₁], [x₂, y₂], …] such that x = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …] and y = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …].

Both x and y should be ordinal; if only x is quantitative (or temporal), use a barX mark; if only y is quantitative, use a barY mark; if both are quantitative, use a rect mark.


Like cell, but x defaults to the zero-based index [0, 1, 2, …], and if stroke is not a channel, fill defaults to the identity function, assuming that data = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …]. For a quick horizontal stripe map visualizating an array of numbers:



Like cell, but y defaults to the zero-based index [0, 1, 2, …], and if stroke is not a channel, fill defaults to the identity function, assuming that data = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …]. For a quick vertical stripe map visualizating an array of numbers:



Like dot, except that the symbol option is set to circle.


Returns a new dot mark for the given data and options that draws circles, or other symbols, as in a scatterplot. For example, a scatterplot of sales by fruit type (category) and units sold (quantitative):, {x: "units", y: "fruit"})

If either x or y is not specified, the default is determined by the frameAnchor option. If none of x, y, and frameAnchor are specified, data is assumed to be an array of pairs [[x₀, y₀], [x₁, y₁], [x₂, y₂], …] such that x = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …] and y = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …].

Dots are sorted by descending radius r by default to mitigate overplotting; set the sort option to null to draw them in input order.


Like dot, except that x defaults to the identity function, assuming that data = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …].

Plot.dotX( => d["economy (mpg)"]))

If an interval is specified, such as day, y is transformed to the middle of the interval.


Like dot, except that y defaults to the identity function, assuming that data = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …].

Plot.dotY( => d["economy (mpg)"]))

If an interval is specified, such as day, x is transformed to the middle of the interval.


Returns a new image mark for the given data and options that draws images as in a scatterplot. For example, portraits of U.S. presidents by date of inauguration and favorability:

Plot.image(presidents, {x: "inauguration", y: "favorability", src: "portrait"})

If either x or y is not specified, the default is determined by the frameAnchor option. If none of x, y, and frameAnchor are specified, data is assumed to be an array of pairs [[x₀, y₀], [x₁, y₁], [x₂, y₂], …] such that x = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …] and y = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …].


Returns a new line mark for the given data and options by connecting control points. If neither the x nor y options are specified, data is assumed to be an array of pairs [[x₀, y₀], [x₁, y₁], [x₂, y₂], …] such that x = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …] and y = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …].

Points along the line are connected in input order. If there are multiple series via the z, fill, or stroke channel, series are drawn in input order such that the last series is drawn on top. Typically data is already in sorted order, such as chronological for time series; if needed, consider a sort transform.

If any x or y values are invalid (undefined, null, or NaN), the line will be interrupted, resulting in a break that divides the line shape into multiple segments. If a line segment consists of only a single point, it may appear invisible unless rendered with rounded or square line caps. In addition, some curves such as cardinal-open only render a visible segment if it contains multiple points.

Variable aesthetic channels are supported: if the stroke is defined as a channel, the line will be broken into contiguous overlapping segments when the stroke color changes; the stroke color will apply to the interval spanning the current data point and the following data point. This behavior also applies to the fill, fillOpacity, strokeOpacity, strokeWidth, opacity, href, title, and ariaLabel channels. When any of these channels are used, setting an explicit z channel (possibly to null) is strongly recommended.


Like line, except that x defaults to the identity function assuming that data = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …] and y defaults to the zero-based index [0, 1, 2, …]. For example, to draw a vertical line chart of a temperature series:

Plot.lineX(observations, {x: "temperature"})

The interval option is recommended to “regularize” sampled data via an implicit binY transform. For example, if your data represents timestamped temperature measurements and you expect one sample per day, use day as the interval:

Plot.lineX(observations, {y: "date", x: "temperature", interval: "day"})


Like line, except y defaults to the identity function and assumes that data = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …] and x defaults to the zero-based index [0, 1, 2, …]. For example, to draw a horizontal line chart of a temperature series:

Plot.lineY(observations, {y: "temperature"})

The interval option is recommended to “regularize” sampled data via an implicit binX transform. For example, if your data represents timestamped temperature measurements and you expect one sample per day, use day as the interval:

Plot.lineY(observations, {x: "date", y: "temperature", interval: "day"})

Returns a new link mark for the given data and options, drawing line segments (curves) connecting pairs of points. For example, to draw a link connecting an observation from 1980 with an observation from 2015 in a scatterplot of population and revenue inequality of U.S. cities:, {x1: "POP_1980", y1: "R90_10_1980", x2: "POP_2015", y2: "R90_10_2015"})

If the plot uses a spherical projection, the default auto curve will render links as geodesics; to draw a straight line instead, use the linear curve.


Returns a rect mark for the given data and options. The rectangle extends horizontally from x1 to x2, and vertically from y1 to y2. The position channels are often derived with a transform. For example, for a heatmap of athletes, binned by weight and height:

Plot.rect(athletes, Plot.bin({fill: "proportion"}, {x: "weight", y: "height"}))

When y extends from zero, for example for a histogram where the height of each rect reflects a count of values, use the rectY mark for an implicit stackY transform; similarly, if x extends from zero, use the rectX mark for an implicit stackX transform.

If an interval is specified, then x1 and x2 are derived from x, and y1 and y2 are derived from y, each representing the lower and upper bound of the containing interval, respectively.

Both x and y should be quantitative or temporal; otherwise, use a bar or cell mark.


Like rect, but if neither x1 nor x2 is specified, an implicit stackX transform is applied to x, and if x is not specified, it defaults to the identity function, assuming that data is an array of numbers [x₀, x₁, x₂, …]. For example, for a vertical histogram of athletes by height with rects aligned at x = 0:

Plot.rectX(olympians, Plot.binY({x: "count"}, {y: "height"}))


Like rect, but if neither y1 nor y2 is specified, apply an implicit stackY transform is applied to y, and if y is not specified, it defaults to the identity function, assuming that data is an array of numbers [y₀, y₁, y₂, …]. For example, for a horizontal histogram of athletes by weight with rects aligned at y = 0:

Plot.rectY(olympians, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {x: "weight"}))


Returns a new horizontally-positioned ruleX mark (a vertical line, |) for the given data and options. The x channel specifies the rule’s horizontal position and defaults to identity, assuming that data = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …]; the optional y1 and y2 channels specify its vertical extent. For example, for a candlestick chart of Apple’s daily stock price:

Plot.ruleX(aapl, {x: "Date", y1: "Open", y2: "Close"})

The ruleX mark is often used to highlight specific x values. For example, to draw a rule at x = 0:


If y represents ordinal values, use a tickX mark instead.


Returns a new vertically-positioned ruleY mark (a horizontal line, —) for the given data and options. The y channel specifies the vertical position of the rule and defaults to identity, assuming that data = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …]; the optional x1 and x2 channels specify its horizontal extent. For example, to bin Apple’s daily stock price by month, plotting a sequence of barcodes showing monthly distributions:

Plot.ruleY(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close", interval: "month"})

The ruleY mark is often used to highlight specific y values. For example, to draw a rule at y = 0:


If x represents ordinal values, use a tickY mark instead.


Like vector, but with default options suitable for drawing a spike map. For example, to show city populations:

Plot.spike(cities, {x: "longitude", y: "latitude", stroke: "red", length: "population"})


Returns a new text mark for the given *data* and *options*. The **text**
channel specifies the textual contents of the mark, which may be preformatted
with line breaks (

, , or ), or wrapped or clipped using the lineWidth and textOverflow options.

If **text** contains numbers or dates, a default formatter will be applied,
and the **fontVariant** will default to *tabular-nums* instead of *normal*.
For more control, consider [*number*.toLocaleString][1],
[*date*.toLocaleString][2], [d3-format][3], or [d3-time-format][4]. If
**text** is not specified, it defaults to the identity function for primitive
data (such as numbers, dates, and strings), and to the zero-based index [0,
1, 2, …] for objects (so that something identifying is visible by default).

If either **x** or **y** is not specified, the default is determined by the
**frameAnchor** option. If none of **x**, **y**, and **frameAnchor** are
specified, *data* is assumed to be an array of pairs [[*x₀*, *y₀*], [*x₁*,
*y₁*], [*x₂*, *y₂*], …] such that **x** = [*x₀*, *x₁*, *x₂*, …] and **y** =
[*y₀*, *y₁*, *y₂*, …].



Like text, but x defaults to the identity function, assuming that data = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …]. For example to display tick label-like marks at the top of the frame:

Plot.textX([10, 15, 20, 25, 30], {frameAnchor: "top"})

If an interval is specified, such as day, y is transformed to the middle of the interval.


Like text, but y defaults to the identity function, assuming that data = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …]. For example to display tick label-like marks on the right of the frame:

Plot.textY([10, 15, 20, 25, 30], {frameAnchor: "right"})

If an interval is specified, such as day, x is transformed to the middle of the interval.


Returns a new vector mark for the given data and options. For example, to create a vector field from spatial samples of wind observations:

Plot.vector(wind, {x: "longitude", y: "latitude", length: "speed", rotate: "direction"})

If none of frameAnchor, x, and y are specified, then x and y default to accessors assuming that data contains tuples [[x₀, y₀], [x₁, y₁], [x₂, y₂], …]


Like vector, but x instead defaults to the identity function and y defaults to null, assuming that data is an array of numbers [x₀, x₁, x₂, …].


Like vector, but y instead defaults to the identity function and x defaults to null, assuming that data is an array of numbers [y₀, y₁, y₂, …].


Returns a new horizonta waffle mark for the given data and options; the required x values should be quantitative, and the optional y values should be ordinal. For example, for a horizontal waffle chart of Olympic athletes by sport:

Plot.waffleX(olympians, Plot.groupY({x: "count"}, {y: "sport"}))

If neither x1 nor x2 nor interval is specified, an implicit stackX transform is applied and x defaults to the identity function, assuming that data = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …]. Otherwise if an interval is specified, then x1 and x2 are derived from x, representing the lower and upper bound of the containing interval, respectively. Otherwise, if only one of x1 or x2 is specified, the other defaults to x, which defaults to zero.

The optional y ordinal channel specifies the vertical position; it is typically bound to the y scale, which must be a band scale. If the y channel is not specified, the waffle will span the vertical extent of the plot’s frame. Because a waffle represents a discrete number of square cells, it may not use all of the available bandwidth.

If options is undefined, then y defaults to the zero-based index of data [0, 1, 2, …], allowing a quick waffle chart from an array of numbers:

Plot.waffleX([4, 9, 24, 46, 66, 7])


Returns a new vertical waffle mark for the given data and options; the required y values should be quantitative, and the optional x values should be ordinal. For example, for a vertical waffle chart of Olympic athletes by sport:

Plot.waffleY(olympians, Plot.groupX({y: "count"}, {x: "sport"}))

If neither y1 nor y2 nor interval is specified, an implicit stackY transform is applied and y defaults to the identity function, assuming that data = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …]. Otherwise if an interval is specified, then y1 and y2 are derived from y, representing the lower and upper bound of the containing interval, respectively. Otherwise, if only one of y1 or y2 is specified, the other defaults to y, which defaults to zero.

The optional x ordinal channel specifies the horizontal position; it is typically bound to the x scale, which must be a band scale. If the x channel is not specified, the waffle will span the horizontal extent of the plot’s frame. Because a waffle represents a discrete number of square cells, it may not use all of the available bandwidth.

If options is undefined, then x defaults to the zero-based index of data [0, 1, 2, …], allowing a quick waffle chart from an array of numbers:

Plot.waffleY([4, 9, 24, 46, 66, 7])

Plot: Transforms


Bins on the x and y channels; then subdivides bins on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any; and lastly for each channel in the specified outputs, applies the corresponding reduce method to produce new channel values from the binned input channel values. Each reduce method may be one of:

  • a named reducer implementation such as count or sum
  • a function that takes an array of values and returns the reduced value
  • an object that implements the reduceIndex method

For example, for a heatmap of observed culmen lengths and depths:

Plot.rect(penguins, Plot.bin({fill: "count"}, {x: "culmen_depth_mm", y: "culmen_length_mm"}))

The bin transform is often used with the rect mark to make heatmaps; it is intended for aggregating continuous quantitative or temporal data, such as temperatures or times, into discrete bins. See the group transform for ordinal or categorical data.

If neither x nor y are in options, then x and y default to accessors assuming that data contains tuples [[x₀, y₀], [x₁, y₁], [x₂, y₂], …]. If x is not in outputs, by default produces x1 and x2 output channels representing the horizontal extent of each bin and a x output channel representing the horizontal midpoint, say for for labels. Likewise if y is not in outputs, by default produces y1 and y2 output channels representing the vertical extent of each bin and a y output channel representing the vertical midpoint. The insetTop, insetRight, insetBottom, and insetLeft options default to 0.5.


Bins on the x channel; then subdivides bins on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any; then further subdivides bins on the y channel, if any and if none of y, y1, and y2 are in outputs; and lastly for each channel in the specified outputs, applies the corresponding reduce method to produce new channel values from the binned input channel values. Each reduce method may be one of:

  • a named reducer implementation such as count or sum
  • a function that takes an array of values and returns the reduced value
  • an object that implements the reduceIndex method

For example, for a histogram of observed culmen lengths:

Plot.rectY(penguins, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {x: "culmen_length_mm"}))

The binX transform is often used with the rectY mark to make histograms; it is intended for aggregating continuous quantitative or temporal data, such as temperatures or times, into discrete bins. See the groupX transform for ordinal or categorical data.

If x is not in options, it defaults to identity. If x is not in outputs, by default produces x1 and x2 output channels representing the extent of each bin and an x output channel representing the bin midpoint, say for for labels. If y is not in outputs, y1 and y2 will be dropped from the returned options. The insetLeft and insetRight options default to 0.5.


Bins on the y channel; then subdivides bins on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any; then further subdivides bins on the x channel, if any and if none of x, x1, and x2 are in outputs; and lastly for each channel in the specified outputs, applies the corresponding reduce method to produce new channel values from the binned input channel values. Each reduce method may be one of:

  • a named reducer implementation such as count or sum
  • a function that takes an array of values and returns the reduced value
  • an object that implements the reduceIndex method

For example, for a histogram of observed culmen lengths:

Plot.rectX(penguins, Plot.binY({x: "count"}, {y: "culmen_length_mm"}))

The binY transform is often used with the rectX mark to make histograms; it is intended for aggregating continuous quantitative or temporal data, such as temperatures or times, into discrete bins. See the groupY transform for ordinal or categorical data.

If y is not in options, it defaults to identity. If y is not in outputs, by default produces y1 and y2 output channels representing the extent of each bin and a y output channel representing the bin midpoint, say for for labels. If x is not in outputs, x1 and x2 will be dropped from the returned options. The insetTop and insetBottom options default to 0.5.


Given the specified bollinger options, returns a corresponding map implementation for use with the map transform, allowing the bollinger transform to be applied to arbitrary channels instead of only x and y. For example, to compute the upper volatility band:{y: Plot.bollinger({n: 20, k: 2})}, {x: "Date", y: "Close"})

Here the k option defaults to zero instead of two.


Returns a new vertically-oriented bollinger mark for the given data and options, as in a time-series area chart where time goes up↑ (or down↓).

If the x option is not specified, it defaults to the identity function, as when data is an array of numbers [x₀, x₁, x₂, …]. If the y option is not specified, it defaults to [0, 1, 2, …].


Returns a new horizontally-oriented bollinger mark for the given data and options, as in a time-series area chart where time goes right→ (or ←left).

If the y option is not specified, it defaults to the identity function, as when data is an array of numbers [y₀, y₁, y₂, …]. If the x option is not specified, it defaults to [0, 1, 2, …].


Given a geometry input channel of GeoJSON geometry, derives x and y output channels representing the planar (projected) centroids of the geometry. The centroids are computed in screen coordinates according to the plot’s associated projection (or x and y scales), if any.

For centroids of spherical geometry, see Plot.geoCentroid.


Shorthand for the tree mark using d3.cluster as the treeLayout option, placing leaf nodes of the tree at the same depth. Equivalent to:

Plot.tree(data, {...options, treeLayout: d3.cluster, textLayout: "mirrored"})


Returns a mark that draws contours representing the estimated density of the two-dimensional points given by x and y, and possibly weighted by weight. If either x or y is not specified, it defaults to the respective middle of the plot’s frame.

If the stroke or fill is specified as density, a color channel is constructed with values representing the density threshold value of each contour.


Returns a new horizontal difference mark for the given the specified data and options, as in a time-series chart where time goes down↓ (or up↑).

The mark is a composite of a positive area, negative area, and line. The positive area extends from the left of the frame to the line, and is clipped by the area extending from the comparison to the right of the frame. The negative area conversely extends from the right of the frame to the line, and is clipped by the area extending from the comparison to the left of the frame.


Returns a new vertical difference mark for the given the specified data and options, as in a time-series chart where time goes right→ (or ←left).

The mark is a composite of a positive area, negative area, and line. The positive area extends from the bottom of the frame to the line, and is clipped by the area extending from the comparison to the top of the frame. The negative area conversely extends from the top of the frame to the line, and is clipped by the area extending from the comparison to the bottom of the frame.


Given a y position channel, derives a new x position channel that places circles of the given radius r to avoid overlap. The order in which circles are placed, which defaults to descending radius r to place the largest circles first, significantly affects the overall layout; use the sort or reverse mark options to change the order.

If dodgeOptions is a string, it is shorthand for the dodge anchor.


Given an x position channel, derives a new y position channel that places circles of the given radius r to avoid overlap. The order in which circles are placed, which defaults to descending radius r to place the largest circles first, significantly affects the overall layout; use the sort or reverse mark options to change the order.

If dodgeOptions is a string, it is shorthand for the dodge anchor.


Applies a transform to options to filter the mark’s index according to the given test, which can be a function (receiving the datum d and index i) or a channel value definition such as a field name; only truthy values are retained in the index. For example, to show only data whose body mass is greater than 3,000g:

Plot.filter((d) => d.body_mass_g > 3000, options)

Note that filtering only affects the rendered mark index, not the associated channel values, and thus has no effect on imputed scale domains.


Given the specified test function, returns a corresponding reducer implementation for use with the group or bin transform. The reducer returns the first channel value for which the test function returns a truthy value.


Groups on the x and y channels; then subdivides groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any; and then for each channel in the specified outputs, applies the corresponding reduce method to produce new channel values from the grouped input channel values. Each reduce method may be one of:

  • a named reducer implementation such as count or sum
  • a function that takes an array of values and returns the reduced value
  • an object that implements the reduceIndex method

For example, for a heatmap of penguins by species and island:

Plot.cell(penguins,{fill: "count"}, {x: "island", y: "species"}))

The group transform is often used with the cell mark to make heatmaps; it is intended for aggregating ordinal or categorical data, such as names. See the bin transform for continuous data.

If neither x nor y are in options, then x and y default to accessors assuming that data contains tuples [[x₀, y₀], [x₁, y₁], [x₂, y₂], …]. If x is not in outputs, it defaults to first, and the x1 and x2 channels, if any, will be dropped from the returned options. Likewise if y is not in outputs, it defaults to first, and the y1 and y2 channels, if any, will be dropped from the returned options.


Groups on the x channel; then subdivides groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any; and then for each channel in the specified outputs, applies the corresponding reduce method to produce new channel values from the grouped input channel values. Each reduce method may be one of:

  • a named reducer implementation such as count or sum
  • a function that takes an array of values and returns the reduced value
  • an object that implements the reduceIndex method

For example, for a vertical bar chart of species by total mass:

Plot.barY(penguins, Plot.groupX({y: "sum"}, {x: "species", y: "body_mass_g"}))

The groupX transform is often used with the barY mark to make bar charts; it is intended for aggregating ordinal or categorical data, such as names. See the binX transform for continuous data.

If x is not in options, it defaults to identity. If x is not in outputs, it defaults to first, and the x1 and x2 channels, if any, will be dropped from the returned options.


Groups on the y channel; then subdivides groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any; and then for each channel in the specified outputs, applies the corresponding reduce method to produce new channel values from the grouped input channel values. Each reduce method may be one of:

  • a named reducer implementation such as count or sum
  • a function that takes an array of values and returns the reduced value
  • an object that implements the reduceIndex method

For example, for a horizontal bar chart of species by total mass:

Plot.barX(penguins, Plot.groupY({x: "sum"}, {y: "species", x: "body_mass_g"}))

The groupY transform is often used with the barX mark to make bar charts; it is intended for aggregating ordinal or categorical data, such as names. See the binY transform for continuous data.

If y is not in options, it defaults to identity. If y is not in outputs, it defaults to first, and the y1 and y2 channels, if any, will be dropped from the returned options.


Groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any, and then for each channel in the specified outputs, applies the corresponding reduce method to produce new channel values from the grouped input channel values. Each reduce method may be one of:

  • a named reducer implementation such as count or sum
  • a function that takes an array of values and returns the reduced value
  • an object that implements the reduceIndex method

For example, for a horizontal stacked bar chart:

Plot.barX(penguins, Plot.groupZ({x: "proportion"}, {fill: "species"}))


Bins hexagonally on the scaled x and y channels; then subdivides bins on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any; and lastly for each channel in the specified outputs, applies the corresponding reduce method to produce new channel values from the binned input channel values. Each reduce method may be one of:

  • a named reducer implementation such as count or sum
  • a function that takes an array of values and returns the reduced value
  • an object that implements the reduceIndex method

For example, for a heatmap of observed culmen lengths and depths:, Plot.hexbin({fill: "count"}, {x: "culmen_depth_mm", y: "culmen_length_mm"}))

The hexbin transform can be applied to any mark that consumes x and y, such as the dot, image, text, and vector marks; it is intended for aggregating continuous quantitative or temporal data, such as temperatures or times, into discrete hexagonal bins. For the dot mark, the symbol option defaults to hexagon, and the r option defaults to half the binWidth. If a fill output channel is declared, the stroke option defaults to none.

To draw empty hexagons, see the hexgrid mark.


Returns a mark that draws a convex hull around the points given by the x and y channels. The stroke option defaults to currentColor and the fill option defaults to none. When an aesthetic channel is specified (such as stroke or strokeWidth), the hull inherits the corresponding channel value from one of its constituent points arbitrarily.

If z is specified, the input points are grouped by z, producing a separate hull for each group. If z is not specified, it defaults to the fill channel, if any, or the stroke channel, if any.


Groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any, and then for each channel in the specified outputs, applies the corresponding map method to produce new channel values for each series. Each map method may be one of:

  • a named map implementation such as cumsum or rank
  • a function to be passed an array of values, returning new values
  • an object that implements the mapIndex method

For example, to produce a cumulative sum of random numbers on the y channel:{y: "cumsum"}, {y: d3.randomNormal()})


Groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any, and then applies the specified map method to each of the x, x1, and x2 channels in the specified options to produce new channel values for each series. The map method may be one of:

  • a named map implementation such as cumsum or rank
  • a function to be passed an array of values, returning new values
  • an object that implements the mapIndex method

For example, to produce a cumulative sum of random numbers on the x channel:

Plot.mapX("cumsum", {x: d3.randomNormal()})


Groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any, and then applies the specified map method to each of the y, y1, and y2 channels in the specified options to produce new channel values for each series. The map method may be one of:

  • a named map implementation such as cumsum or rank
  • a function to be passed an array of values, returning new values
  • an object that implements the mapIndex method

For example, to produce a cumulative sum of random numbers on the y channel:

Plot.mapY("cumsum", {y: d3.randomNormal()})


Given a normalize basis, returns a corresponding map implementation for use with the map transform, allowing the normalization of arbitrary channels instead of only x and y. For example, to normalize the title channel:{title: Plot.normalize("first")}, {x: "Date", title: "Close", stroke: "Symbol"})


Groups data into series using the first channel of z, fill, or stroke (if any), then derives new x, x1, and x2 channels for each corresponding input channel by normalizing to the given basis. For example, if the series values are [x₀, x₁, x₂, …] and the first basis is used, the derived series values would be [x₀ / x₀, x₁ / x₀, x₂ / x₀, …] as in an index chart.


Groups data into series using the first channel of z, fill, or stroke (if any), then derives new y, y1, and y2 channels for each corresponding input channel by normalizing to the given basis. For example, if the series values are [y₀, y₁, y₂, …] and the first basis is used, the derived series values would be [y₀ / y₀, y₁ / y₀, y₂ / y₀, …] as in an index chart.


Applies a transform to options to reverse the order of the mark’s index, say for reverse input order.


Groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any, and then selects points from each series based on the given selector. For example to select the maximum point of the y channel, as selectMaxY:

Plot.text(data,{y: "max"}, options))


Groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any, and then selects the first point from each series in input order.


Groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any, and then selects the last point from each series in input order.


Groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any, and then selects the maximum point from each series based on x channel value.


Groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any, and then selects the maximum point from each series based on y channel value.


Groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any, and then selects the minimum point from each series based on x channel value.


Groups on the first channel of z, fill, or stroke, if any, and then selects the minimum point from each series based on y channel value.


Groups data into series using the first channel of z, fill, or stroke (if any), then derives x1 and x2 output channels by shifting the input x channel according to the specified interval.


Groups data into series using the first channel of z, fill, or stroke (if any), then derives y1 and y2 output channels by shifting the input y channel according to the specified interval.


Applies a transform to options to randomly shuffles the mark’s index. If a seed is specified, a linear congruential generator with the given seed is used to generate random numbers deterministically; otherwise, Math.random is used.


Applies a transform to options to sort the mark’s index by the specified order. The order is one of:

  • a function for comparing data, returning a signed number
  • a channel value definition for sorting given values in ascending order
  • a {value, order} object for sorting given values
  • a {channel, order} object for sorting the named channel’s values

For example, to render marks in order of ascending body mass:

Plot.sort("body_mass_g", options)


Transforms a length channel x into starting and ending position channels x1 and x2 by “stacking” elements that share a given y position. The starting position of each element equals the ending position of the preceding element in the stack. Non-positive values are stacked to the left of zero, with x2 to the left of x1. A new x channel is derived that represents the midpoint between x1 and x2, for example to place a label. If not specified, the input channel x defaults to the constant one.


Like stackX, but returns the starting position x1 as the x channel, for example to position a dot on the left-hand side of each element of a stack.


Like stackX, but returns the starting position x2 as the x channel, for example to position a dot on the right-hand side of each element of a stack.


Transforms a length channel y into starting and ending position channels y1 and y2 by “stacking” elements that share a given x position. The starting position of each element equals the ending position of the preceding element in the stack. Non-positive values are stacked below zero, with y2 below y1. A new y channel is derived that represents the midpoint between y1 and y2, for example to place a label. If not specified, the input channel y defaults to the constant one.


Like stackY, but returns the starting position y1 as the y channel, for example to position a dot at the bottom of each element of a stack.


Like stackY, but returns the ending position y2 as the y channel, for example to position a dot at the top of each element of a stack.


Given an options object that may specify some basic transforms (filter, sort, or reverse) or a custom transform, composes those transforms with the given transform function, returning a new options object.

If a custom transform is present on the given options, any basic transforms are ignored. Any additional input options are passed through in the returned options object. This method facilitates applying basic transforms prior to applying the given transform and is used internally by Plot’s built-in transforms.

The given transform runs after the existing transforms in options. Throws an error if the given options define an initializer, since mark transforms must run before mark initializers.


Given the specified window options, returns a corresponding map implementation for use with the map transform, allowing the window transform to be applied to arbitrary channels instead of only x and y. For example, to compute a rolling average for the title channel:{title: Plot.window(24)}, {x: "Date", title: "Anomaly"})

If options is a number, it is shorthand for the window size k.


Groups data into series using the first channel of z, fill, or stroke (if any), then derives new x, x1, and x2 channels by computing a moving window of channel values and deriving reduced values from the window. For example, to compute a rolling average in x:

Plot.windowX(24, {x: "Anomaly", y: "Date"});

If windowOptions is a number, it is shorthand for the window size k.


Groups data into series using the first channel of z, fill, or stroke (if any), then derives new y, y1, and y2 channels by computing a moving window of channel values and deriving reduced values from the window. For example, to compute a rolling average in y:

Plot.windowY(24, {x: "Date", y: "Anomaly"});

If windowOptions is a number, it is shorthand for the window size k.

Plot: Axes and grids


Returns a new compound axis mark to document the visual encoding of the horizontal facet position fx scale, comprised of (up to) three marks: a vector for ticks, a text for tick labels, and another text for an axis label. The data defaults to the fx scale’s domain; if desired, specify the axis mark’s data explicitly, or use one of the ticks, tickSpacing, or interval options.

The facetAnchor and frameAnchor options defaults to anchor. The default margins likewise depend on anchor as follows; in order of marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, and marginLeft, in pixels:

  • top - 30, 20, 0, 20
  • bottom - 0, 20, 30, 20

For simplicity, and for consistent layout across plots, default axis margins are not affected by tick labels. If tick labels are too long, either increase the margin or shorten the labels, say by using the textOverflow and lineWidth options to clip, or using the tickRotate option to rotate.


Returns a new compound axis mark to document the visual encoding of the vertical facet position fy scale, comprised of (up to) three marks: a vector for ticks, a text for tick labels, and another text for an axis label. The data defaults to the fy scale’s domain; if desired, specify the axis mark’s data explicitly, or use one of the ticks, tickSpacing, or interval options.

The facetAnchor option defaults to right-empty if anchor is right, and left-empty if anchor is left. The default margins likewise depend on anchor as follows; in order of marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, and marginLeft, in pixels:

  • right - 20, 40, 20, 0
  • left - 20, 0, 20, 40

For simplicity, and for consistent layout across plots, default axis margins are not affected by tick labels. If tick labels are too long, either increase the margin or shorten the labels, say by using the textOverflow and lineWidth options to clip.


Returns a new compound axis mark to document the visual encoding of the horizontal position x scale, comprised of (up to) three marks: a vector for ticks, a text for tick labels, and another text for an axis label. The data defaults to tick values sampled from the x scale’s domain; if desired, specify the axis mark’s data explicitly, or use one of the ticks, tickSpacing, or interval options.

The facetAnchor option defaults to bottom-empty if anchor is bottom, and top-empty if anchor is top. The default margins likewise depend on anchor as follows; in order of marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, and marginLeft, in pixels:

  • top - 30, 20, 0, 20
  • bottom - 0, 20, 30, 20

For simplicity, and for consistent layout across plots, default axis margins are not affected by tick labels. If tick labels are too long, either increase the margin or shorten the labels: use the k SI-prefix tick format; use the transform x-scale option to show thousands or millions; or use the textOverflow and lineWidth options to clip; or use the tickRotate option to rotate.


Returns a new compound axis mark to document the visual encoding of the vertical position y scale, comprised of (up to) three marks: a vector for ticks, a text for tick labels, and another text for an axis label. The data defaults to tick values sampled from the y scale’s domain; if desired, specify the axis mark’s data explicitly, or use one of the ticks, tickSpacing, or interval options.

The facetAnchor option defaults to right-empty if anchor is right, and left-empty if anchor is left. The default margins likewise depend on anchor as follows; in order of marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, and marginLeft, in pixels:

  • right - 20, 40, 20, 0
  • left - 20, 0, 20, 40

For simplicity, and for consistent layout across plots, default axis margins are not affected by tick labels. If tick labels are too long, either increase the margin or shorten the labels: use the k SI-prefix tick format; use the transform y-scale option to show thousands or millions; or use the textOverflow and lineWidth options to clip.


Returns a new horizontally-positioned ruleX mark (a vertical line, |) that renders a grid for the fx scale. The data defaults to the fx scale’s domain; if desired, specify the data explicitly, or use the ticks option.


Returns a new vertically-positioned ruleY mark (a horizontal line, —) that renders a grid for the fy scale. The data defaults to the fy scale’s domain; if desired, specify the data explicitly, or use the ticks option.


Returns a new horizontally-positioned ruleX mark (a vertical line, |) that renders a grid for the x scale. The data defaults to tick values sampled from the x scale’s domain; if desired, specify the data explicitly, or use one of the ticks, tickSpacing, or interval options.


Returns a new vertically-positioned ruleY mark (a horizontal line, —) that renders a grid for the y scale. The data defaults to tick values sampled from the y scale’s domain; if desired, specify the data explicitly, or use one of the ticks, tickSpacing, or interval options.


Returns a new horizontally-positioned tickX mark (a vertical line, |) for the given data and options. The x channel specifies the tick’s horizontal position and defaults to identity, assuming that data = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …]; the optional y ordinal channel specifies its vertical position. For example, for a horizontal barcode plot of penguins’ weights:

Plot.tickX(penguins, {x: "body_mass_g", y: "sex", stroke: "species"})

If y represents quantitative or temporal values, use a ruleX mark instead.


Returns a new vertically-positioned tickY mark (a horizontal line, —) for the given data and options. The y channel specifies the vertical position of the tick and defaults to identity, assuming that data = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …]; the optional x ordinal channel specifies its horizontal position. For example, for a vertical barcode plot of penguins’ weights:

Plot.tickY(penguins, {y: "body_mass_g", x: "sex", stroke: "species"})

If x represents quantitative or temporal values, use a ruleY mark instead.

Plot: Geo features


Returns a new geo mark with the given data and options. The geometry channel, which defaults to the identity function assuming that data is a GeoJSON object or an iterable of GeoJSON objects, is projected to the plane using the plot’s top-level projection. For example, for a choropleth map of county polygons with a rate property:

Plot.geo(counties, {fill: (d) =>})

If data is a GeoJSON feature collection, then the mark’s data is data.features; if data is a GeoJSON geometry collection, then the mark’s data is data.geometries; if data is some other GeoJSON object, then the mark’s data is the single-element array [data].


Given a geometry input channel of spherical GeoJSON geometry, derives x and y output channels representing the spherical centroids of the geometry.

For planar (projected) centroids, see Plot.centroid.


Returns a new geo mark whose data is a 10° global graticule. (For use with a spherical projection only.) For more control, use d3.geoGraticule with the geo mark.


Returns a new geo mark whose data is the outline of the sphere on the projection’s plane. (For use with a spherical projection only.)

Plot: Delaunay/Voronoi

Returns a mark that draws links for each edge of the Delaunay triangulation of the points given by the x and y channels. Like the link mark, except that x1, y1, x2, and y2 are derived automatically from x and y. When an aesthetic channel is specified (such as stroke or strokeWidth), the link inherits the corresponding channel value from one of its two endpoints arbitrarily.

If z is specified, the input points are grouped by z, producing a separate Delaunay triangulation for each group.


Returns a mark that draws a mesh of the Delaunay triangulation of the points given by the x and y channels. The stroke option defaults to currentColor, and the strokeOpacity defaults to 0.2; the fill option is not supported. When an aesthetic channel is specified (such as stroke or strokeWidth), the mesh inherits the corresponding channel value from one of its constituent points arbitrarily.

If z is specified, the input points are grouped by z, producing a separate Delaunay triangulation for each group.


Returns a mark that draws polygons for each cell of the Voronoi tesselation of the points given by the x and y channels.

If z is specified, the input points are grouped by z, producing a separate Voronoi tesselation for each group.


Returns a mark that draws a mesh for the cell boundaries of the Voronoi tesselation of the points given by the x and y channels. The stroke option defaults to currentColor, and the strokeOpacity defaults to 0.2. The fill option is not supported. When an aesthetic channel is specified (such as stroke or strokeWidth), the mesh inherits the corresponding channel value from one of its constituent points arbitrarily.

If z is specified, the input points are grouped by z, producing a separate Voronoi tesselation for each group.

Plot: Trees and networks


Returns a compound tree mark, with a link to display edges from parent to child, a dot to display nodes, and a text to display node labels.

The tree layout is computed via the treeLink and treeNode transforms, which transform a tabular dataset into a hierarchy according to the given path input channel, which must contain delimiter-separated strings (forward slash by default); then executes a tree layout algorithm, by default Reingold–Tilford’s “tidy” algorithm.

Populates the x1, y1, x2, and y2 channels, and applies the following defaults: curve is bump-x, stroke is #555, strokeWidth is 1.5, and strokeOpacity is 0.5. This transform is intended to be used with link, arrow, and other two-point-based marks. This transform is rarely used directly; see the tree mark.

The treeLink transform will derive output columns for any options that have one of the following named link values:

  • node:name - the child node’s name (the last part of its path)
  • node:path - the child node’s full, normalized, slash-separated path
  • node:internal - true if the child node is internal, or false for leaves
  • node:external - true if the child node is a leaf, or false for external nodes
  • node:depth - the distance from the child node to the root
  • node:height - the distance from the child node to its deepest descendant
  • parent:name - the parent node’s name (the last part of its path)
  • parent:path - the parent node’s full, normalized, slash-separated path
  • parent:depth - the distance from the parent node to the root
  • parent:height - the distance from the parent node to its deepest descendant

In addition, if any option value is specified as an object with a node method, a derived output column will be generated by invoking the node method for each child node in the tree; likewise if any option value is specified as an object with a link method, a derived output column will be generated by invoking the link method for each link in the tree, being passed two node arguments, the child and the parent.


Populates the x and y channels with the positions for each node, and applies a default frameAnchor based on the specified treeAnchor. This transform is intended to be used with dot, text, and other point-based marks. This transform is rarely used directly; see the tree mark.

The treeNode transform will derive output columns for any options that have one of the following named node values:

  • node:name - the node’s name (the last part of its path)
  • node:path - the node’s full, normalized, slash-separated path
  • node:internal - true if the node is internal, or false for leaves
  • node:external - true if the node is a leaf, or false for internal nodes
  • node:depth - the distance from the node to the root
  • node:height - the distance from the node to its deepest descendant

In addition, if any option value is specified as an object with a node method, a derived output column will be generated by invoking the node method for each node in the tree.

Plot: Interactivity


Returns a new crosshair mark for the given data and options, drawing horizontal and vertical rules centered at the point closest to the pointer. The corresponding x and y values are also drawn just outside the bottom and left sides of the frame, respectively, typically on top of the axes. If either x or y is not specified, the crosshair will be one-dimensional.


Like crosshair, but uses the pointerX transform: the determination of the closest point is heavily weighted by the x (horizontal↔︎) position; this should be used for plots where x represents the independent variable, such as time in a time-series chart, or the aggregated dimension when grouping or binning.


Like crosshair, but uses the pointerY transform: the determination of the closest point is heavily weighted by the y (vertical↕︎) position; this should be used for plots where y represents the independent variable, such as time in a time-series chart, or the aggregated dimension when grouping or binning.


Applies a render transform to the specified options to filter the mark index such that only the point closest to the pointer is rendered; the mark will re-render interactively in response to pointer events.


Like the pointer transform, except the determination of the closest point considers mostly the x (horizontal↔︎) position; this should be used for plots where x is the dominant dimension, such as time in a time-series chart, the binned quantitative dimension in a histogram, or the categorical dimension of a bar chart.


Like the pointer transform, except the determination of the closest point considers mostly the y (vertical↕︎) position; this should be used for plots where y is the dominant dimension, such as time in a time-series chart, the binned quantitative dimension in a histogram, or the categorical dimension of a bar chart.


Returns a new tip mark for the given data and options.

If either x or y is not specified, the default is determined by the frameAnchor option. If none of x, y, and frameAnchor are specified, data is assumed to be an array of pairs [[x₀, y₀], [x₁, y₁], [x₂, y₂], …] such that x = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …] and y = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …].

Plot: Formatting and interpolation


Given a date, returns the shortest equivalent ISO 8601 UTC string. If the given date is not valid, returns "Invalid Date".


Returns a function that formats a given month number (from 0 = January to 11 = December) according to the specified locale and format.


Returns a function that formats a given number according to the specified locale.


Returns a function that formats a given week day number (from 0 = Sunday to 6 = Saturday) according to the specified locale and format.


Constructs a Delaunay triangulation of the samples, and then for each pixel in the raster grid, determines the triangle that covers the pixel’s centroid and interpolates the values associated with the triangle’s vertices using barycentric coordinates. If the interpolated values are ordinal or categorical (i.e., anything other than numbers or dates), then one of the three values will be picked randomly weighted by the barycentric coordinates; the given random number generator will be used, which defaults to a linear congruential generator with a fixed seed (for deterministic results).


For each pixel in the raster grid, initiates a random walk, stopping when either the walk is within a given distance (minDistance) of a sample or the maximum allowable number of steps (maxSteps) have been taken, and then assigning the current pixel the closest sample’s value. The random walk uses the “walk on spheres” algorithm in two dimensions described by Sawhney and Crane, SIGGRAPH 2020.


Given a number period, returns a corresponding numeric range interval. If period is a negative number, the returned interval uses 1 / -period, allowing greater precision when period is a negative integer.


Given a string period, returns a corresponding local time nice interval.


Given a string period, returns a corresponding UTC nice interval.

Plot: Other utilities


Create a new PlotSpec from the given specs and options.


Draws a rectangle around the plot’s frame, or if an anchor is given, a line on the given side. Useful for visual separation of facets, or in conjunction with axes and grids to fill the frame’s background.


Like dot, except that the symbol option is set to hexagon.


The hexgrid decoration mark complements the hexbin transform, showing the outlines of all hexagons spanning the frame with a default stroke of currentColor and a default strokeOpacity of 0.1, similar to the the default axis grids. For example:

  marks: [
    Plot.hexagon(Plot.hexbin({fill: "count"}, {binWidth: 12, x: "weight", y: "economy"})),
    Plot.hexgrid({binWidth: 12})

Note that the binWidth option of the hexgrid mark should match that of the hexbin transform. The grid is clipped by the frame. This is a stroke-only mark, and fill is not supported; to fill the frame, use the frame mark.


Generates a standalone legend for the scale defined by the given options, returning either an SVG or HTML element depending on the scale and the desired legend type. Currently supports only color, opacity, and symbol scales.


Like linearRegressionY, but where x is the dependent variable and y is the independent variable. This orientation is infrequently used, but suitable for example when visualizing a time-series where time goes up↑; use linearRegressionY instead if time goes right→.


Returns a mark that draws linear regression lines with confidence bands, representing the estimated relation of a dependent variable (y) on an independent variable (x). For example to estimate the linear dependence of horsepower (hp) on weight (wt):

Plot.linearRegressionY(mtcars, {x: "wt", y: "hp"})

The linear regression line is fit using the least squares approach. See Torben Jansen’s “Linear regression with confidence bands” and this StatExchange question for details on the confidence interval calculation.

Multiple regressions can be produced by specifying a z, fill, or stroke channel.


Returns a raster mark which renders a raster image from spatial samples. If data is provided, it represents discrete samples in abstract coordinates x and y; the fill and fillOpacity channels specify further abstract values (e.g., height in a topographic map) to be spatially interpolated to produce an image.

Plot.raster(volcano.values, {width: volcano.width, height: volcano.height})

The fill and fillOpacity channels may alternatively be specified as functions f(x, y) to be evaluated at each pixel centroid of the raster grid (without interpolation).

Plot.raster({x1: -1, x2: 1, y1: -1, y2: 1, fill: (x, y) => Math.atan2(y, x)})

If width is specified, x1 defaults to 0 and x2 defaults to width; likewise, if height is specified, y1 defaults to 0 and y2 defaults to height. Otherwise, if data is specified, x1, y1, x2, and y2 respectively default to the frame’s left, top, right, and bottom coordinates. Lastly, if data is not specified (as when value is a function of x and y), you must specify all of x1, x2, y1, and y2 to define the raster domain.


Returns a standalone scale given the specified scale options, which must define exactly one named scale. For example, for a default linear color scale:

const color = Plot.scale({color: {type: "linear"}});


Given some data and a channel value definition (such as a field name or function accessor), returns an array of the specified type containing the corresponding values derived from data. If type is not specified, it defaults to Array; otherwise it must be an Array or TypedArray subclass.

The returned array is not guaranteed to be new; when the value is a channel transform or an array that is an instance of the given type, the array may be returned as-is without making a copy.

Plot: Options Helpers


Sets {"aspectRatio": r}.


Sets {"caption": caption}.


Sets {"clip": True}.


Sets {"color": {"legend": True}}.


Adds colors to the plot's color_map. More than one colorMap can be specified and colors will be merged. This is a way of dynamically building up a color scale, keeping color definitions colocated with their use. The name used for a color will show up in the color legend, if displayed.

Colors defined in this way must be used with Plot.constantly(<name>).


plot = (, fill=Plot.constantly("car"))
    + Plot.colorMap({"car": "blue"})
    + Plot.colorLegend()

In JavaScript, colors provided via colorMap are merged into a {color: {domain: [...], range: [...]}} object.


Sets {"color": {"scheme": <name>}}.


Sets domain for x and optionally y scales.


Sets {"x": {"domain": d}}.


Sets {"y": {"domain": d}}.


Sets grid lines for x and/or y axes.


Sets {"height": height}.


Sets {"axis": None} for specified axes.


Sets {"inset": i}.


Set margin values for a plot using CSS-style margin shorthand.


  • *args (Any): Margin values as integers or floats, following CSS margin shorthand rules


  • A dictionary mapping margin properties to their values (dict)


For passing columnar data to Observable.Plot which should repeat/cycle. eg. for a set of 'xs' that are to be repeated for each set of ys.


Sets width and height, using size for both if height not specified.


Sets {"subtitle": subtitle}.


Sets {"title": title}.


Sets {"width": width}.

Custom plot functions


Returns a new ellipse mark for the given values and options.

If neither x nor y are specified, values is assumed to be an array of pairs [[x₀, y₀], [x₁, y₁], [x₂, y₂, …] such that x = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …] and y = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …].

The rx and ry options specify the x and y radii respectively. If only r is specified, it is used for both radii. The optional rotate option specifies rotation in degrees.

Additional styling options such as fill, stroke, and strokeWidth can be specified to customize the appearance of the ellipses.


  • values (Any): The data for the ellipses.

  • options (dict[str, Any]): Additional options for customizing the ellipses.

  • **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be merged with options.


  • A PlotSpec object representing the ellipse mark. (PlotSpec)


Create a histogram plot from the given values.


values (list or array-like): The data values to be binned and plotted. mark (str): 'rectY' or 'dot'. thresholds (str, int, list, or callable, optional): The thresholds option may be specified as a named method or a variety of other ways:

  • auto (default): Scott’s rule, capped at 200.
  • freedman-diaconis: The Freedman–Diaconis rule.
  • scott: Scott’s normal reference rule.
  • sturges: Sturges’ formula.
  • A count (int) representing the desired number of bins.
  • An array of n threshold values for n - 1 bins.
  • An interval or time interval (for temporal binning).
  • A function that returns an array, count, or time interval.

Returns: PlotSpec: A plot specification for a histogram with the y-axis representing the count of values in each bin.


The image mark renders images on the plot. The src option specifies the image source, while x, y, width, and height define the image's position and size in the x/y scales. This differs from the built-in Observable Plot image mark, which specifies width/height in pixels.


  • values: The data for the images.

  • options (dict[str, Any]): Options for customizing the images.

  • **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be merged with options.


  • A PlotSpec object representing the image mark. (PlotSpec)

The following options are supported: - src: The source path of the image. - x: The x-coordinate of the top-left corner. - y: The y-coordinate of the top-left corner. - width: The width of the image. - height: The height of the image.


Creates a highlighted code block using the Bylight library.


  • source (str): The source text/code to highlight

  • patterns (list): A list of patterns to highlight. Each pattern can be either:

    • A string to match literally

    • A dict with 'match' (required) and 'color' (optional) keys

  • props (dict): Additional properties to pass to the pre element. Defaults to {}.


  • A Bylight component that renders the highlighted code block.

Utility functions


Decorator to display the docstring of a python function formatted as Markdown.


  • fn: The function whose docstring to display.


  • A JSCall instance


Initializes state variables in the Plot widget.


  • values (dict[str, Any]): A dictionary mapping state variable names to their initial values.

  • sync (Union[set[str], bool, None]): Controls which state variables are synced between Python and JavaScript.

    If True, all variables are synced. If a set, only variables in the set are synced.

    If None or False, no variables are synced. Defaults to None.


  • An object that initializes the state variables when rendered. (JSCall)


Reads data from a nested structure, giving names to dimensions and leaves along the way.

This function traverses nested data structures like dictionaries and lists, allowing you to extract and label nested dimensions. It supports Python dicts/lists as well as GenJAX traces and choicemaps.


  • data (Union[Dict, Any]): The nested data structure to traverse. Can be a dict, list, or GenJAX object.

  • path (List[Union[str, Dict]]): A list of path segments describing how to traverse the data. Each segment can be:

    • A string key to index into a dict

    • A dict with {...} to traverse a list dimension, giving it a name

    • A dict with "leaves" to mark terminal values


  • Either a Dimensioned object containing the extracted data and dimension metadata, (Any)

  • or the raw extracted value if no dimensions were named in the path. (Any)


Attaches dimension metadata, for further processing in JavaScript.


Import JavaScript code into the GenStudio environment.


  • source (str): JavaScript source code. Can be:

    • Inline JavaScript code

    • URL starting with http(s):// for remote modules

    • Local file path starting with path: prefix

  • alias (Optional[str]): Namespace alias for the entire module

  • default (Optional[str]): Name for the default export

  • refer (Optional[list[str]]): Set of names to import directly, or True to import all

  • refer_all (bool): Alternative to refer=True

  • rename (Optional[dict[str, str]]): Dict of original->new names for referred imports

  • exclude (Optional[list[str]]): Set of names to exclude when using refer_all

  • format (str): Module format ('esm' or 'commonjs')


[(<DocstringSectionKind.text: 'text'>, '# CDN import with namespace alias'), (<DocstringSectionKind.examples: 'examples'>, '>>> Plot.Import(\n...     source="",\n...     alias="_",\n...     refer=["flattenDeep", "partition"],\n...     rename={"flattenDeep": "deepFlatten"}\n... )'), (<DocstringSectionKind.text: 'text'>, '# Local file import'), (<DocstringSectionKind.examples: 'examples'>, '>>> Plot.Import(\n...     source="path:src/app/utils.js",  # relative to working directory\n...     refer=["formatDate"]\n... )'), (<DocstringSectionKind.text: 'text'>, '# Inline source with refer_all'), (<DocstringSectionKind.examples: 'examples'>, '>>> Plot.Import(\n...     source=\'\'\'\n...     export const add = (a, b) => a + b;\n...     export const subtract = (a, b) => a - b;\n...     \'\'\',\n...     refer_all=True,\n...     exclude=["subtract"]\n... )'), (<DocstringSectionKind.text: 'text'>, '# Default export handling'), (<DocstringSectionKind.examples: 'examples'>, '>>> Plot.Import(\n...     source="",\n...     default="createScale"\n... )')]